Mission Statement
Our goal is to protect public health by protecting the state waters from pollution through efficient and cost effective collection and transfer of wastewater throughout our franchise area.
The Franklin Township Sewerage Authority (FTSA) was created by the Township Ordinance in October 1956. The Board of Commissioners presiding over the Authority consists of five (5) permanent and two (2) alternate Commissioners appointed by resolution of the Franklin Township governing body for five-year terms on a rotating basis.
The Authority’s franchise area includes approximately 200 miles of various sizes of sewer pipes, twenty (20) pump stations sized from 0.1 million gallons a day (MGD) To 15 MGD and other related facilities. (Link to our system map)
The Authority operates and maintains its collection system with approximately two dozen employees. The authority is managed by the Executive Director who is responsible for the Authority’s day to day operation under the direction of the Board of Commissioners appointed by the Township Council.
Preventive Maintenance
The Authority follows a rigorous Preventive Maintenance Program (PMP). Utilization of PMP has decreased the system failures and down times while minimizing staff overtime.
Our PMP includes routine checks of the pump stations, including exercising the generators and valves, cleaning and maintaining the level sensing probes and floats, checking and cleaning the wet wells and dry wells, monitoring odor control systems and painting the stations.
The authority follows an ongoing sewer main flushing and manhole rehabilitation program throughout our collection system utilizing two Jetter trucks and a TV inspection truck. Our staff has retrofitted manholes, in areas prone to inflow of rainwater, with inserts. These efforts in combination with our continuous inspection and repair of our sewer lines and manholes have resulted in significant reductions in Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) throughout our collection system. Reduction in I/I lowers the treatment costs that Authority has to pay to MCUA which in turn minimizes the rate increases to our rate payers.